Tailored Therapy, Trusted Care vital care rx Patients Providers

Who We Are

Vital Care Specialty is a dual accredited comprehensive specialty pharmacy licensed in all 50 states offering cost effective treatment options and personalized patient care. We assist patients with all of the complexities of their therapy and dispense all major oral, injectable, and infused specialty pharmaceutical products. Our pharmacists and a dedicated team of patient care specialists are ready to assist you and your patients with drug therapies in many disease states.


As soon as Vital Care Rx receives your prescription, our clinical staff will contact you to explain step-by-step our patient care process. This gives you the opportunity to ask questions to a member of our clinical staff, and we are available to assist you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


Our goal is to ensure your patient’s treatment is successful. At Vital Care Rx we take a proactive approach to assist physician offices in lessening the paperwork and providing assistance in the care of your patient.


Our integrated pharmacy works to optimize your specialty pharmacy initiatives. We work with you as a partner to assist with strategies and service delivery that maximize cost containment and clinical outcomes from specialty pharmaceuticals. The flexibility of Vital Care Rx systems allows us to implement customized programs and services based on client, drug, or disease state—with or without dispensing.